Sunday, 25 October 2020

Manifesting - Does It Work?


     We have all been there, working at being positive, working at having the right mindset, working at sending out to the universe what it is that we want in our life.  Then we sit, and we wait, and nothing happens.  If we are focused on a specific time and event, that comes and goes and still no results.  And that is when we throw all our manifesting books in the garbage, delete The Secret from our audiobook list and our Netflix my list.  Our mindset flips and our belief that this whole manifesting thing works, crashes and breaks into a million pieces.  But here is the biggest and hardest part of manifesting; it’s all about knowing and trusting you will receive the best version of what you are manifesting and not EXPECTING it to happen.  


     Manifesting does not work if you EXPECT the universe to reward you.  It’s about knowing and trusting the universe will reward you.  Knowing and trusting that the universe will provide you with what you are manifesting when it’s the right time and it will be exactly what you need not what you want. 


     The key is to continue to manifest, continue to have a positive attitude, and continue to walk forward towards your goals.  When I first started to enhance my abilities, I heard a lot about “Let Go, Let God/Let Universe.” Manifesting is one part of the action in Let Go, Let Universe.  Manifesting is more about a perspective and mindset than it is about actually receiving what you are trying to manifest.  


     When you switch your mindset, you switch your perspective.  When you switch your perspective, you look at things completely differently. What that does, is it creates your energy to change from one of negativity and being a victim to the universe, to one of a Magnet, attracting positive things to you.  The whole like attracts like theory.   


     Manifesting is not just about faking it to make it or just switching the words you use verbally or in your mind.  That is just a start to flip your perspective.  Those steps are the exercises you have to do to work out your brain.  And by exercising it every day your brain will become strong and your perspective will completely change.  And then your life will completely change!


     This perspective is all about positivity and looking at life from that perspective.  And NO that does not mean you have to be happy all the time or cheesy positive or nice all the time.  It’s not about viewing life with rose coloured glasses on.  This perspective is about gratitude, it’s about appreciating everything, good and bad.  It’s about looking at things that happen and not saying “why me”, it’s about saying “what is this teaching me and how can I use that to reach my goals”.  And then it is about continuing to move forward towards what it is you want in your life and how you want your life to look like.   


    So, where does that leave us when we are about to throw all our manifesting books out the window?  Take a deep breath and keep going.  Put the books back on your shelf for you to reference again, create a gratitude journal and make a to do list that leads you towards your goals.  

You CAN DO THIS, and the universe will help and reward your hard work.  It just may not be when you want it and look exactly like you think it will.  Chances are it will be 100% better than you are asking for! 


People think of manifesting like a diet, you do it for a bit to get results and then life will be awesome!  Manifesting is a lifestyle, just like improving your health, it’s not something that you do for a few weeks and all will be wonderful in your world.  It’s about changing your lifestyle, changing your perspective and mindset forever and then your view of the world changes and because of that positive things start to happen in your life.


Manifesting is a lifestyle and when you approach it that way you will be successful in reaching all your goals and bringing in the positive changes you want in your life.  Manifesting is a way of being not a quick fix.  


Sunday, 18 October 2020

The Best Time of the Year – Pay Attention Spirits and Ghosts are all around you!



     The wind whips through the trees.  The multi-coloured leaves float and swirl in the air landing on the ground creating a patch work path of gold and red.  I wrap myself tighter in my bulky sweater to keep the chilly air from finding its way through the intricate knitted pattern.  Taking a deep breath in, my body relaxes, and I feel like there is no time that I’ve felt more content then I do in this moment.  


I know that my gang is feeling the same way.  My two kids, who are both taller than me now, I actually feel strange calling them kids are laughing and teasing each other.  Both of them being pulled along by a dog.  Violet our crazy puppy is chasing every leaf that flies past her face and our 11-year-old grey bearded Arnie is sauntering along, enjoying the family time.  Steve is in his glory, as a Scotsman I don’t think he has seen a hill or path he hasn’t wanted to climb or venture on.  And then there is me, walking behind my crew, enjoying every moment, sensing the abundance spirits watching us.  


I know many of us in the world who get to experience the fall season love it.  For most people it’s one of their favorite seasons.  It’s a mix of warm days, cold nights, with a chilly wind that reminds you that things are about to change.  And the colours!  You can’t say enough about the beauty of fall.  But for me it’s a bit different.  I love all of the above, but there is an added energy for me.  


The truth is that during the Halloween season, the vail does thin.  I am fortunate that the vail doesn’t really exist for me at all.  I see and speak with the dead on a daily.  But during the month of October and into the beginning of November the energy shifts.  Over the years I’ve tried to put my finger on what is exactly happening and why.  It has been difficult to pinpoint but between the vail thinning and people embracing spirits and ghosts, it feels like the dead people are celebrating.  


For the few weeks before Halloween night, the energy shifts.  It starts to build until its peak on the eve of Halloween.  Think of it as being a child before Christmas, the weeks before the excitement starts to build.  The week of Christmas you are jumping out of your skin with anticipation of the big night.  And then once it is over the energy slowly returns to normal.  Halloween is a celebration of the dead and trust me they love it.  


Years ago, I never prepared myself for this time of the year, I just let the energy take me.  I would be a jumbled mess, spinning and completely overwhelmed.  It felt like I drank 50 energy drinks per day the week of Halloween.  I would literally be vibrating; my hands would shake, and my voice would quiver.  To quote my son “it was like I was hopped up on mountain dew” every day.  And when November first rang in, I’d be exhausted and needed a month-long nap.  


Now, I know how to handle it.  I embrace the energy, along with eating and drinking properly.  Crazy I know, but my coffee consumption must be eliminated or its 100% decaf in the month of October, if not I feel like my organs are going to escape from my body and go trick or treating themselves. I meditate twice as much as I would normally meditate and I focus on speaking with the spirits that drop by, rather than ignore them.  It is after all the season that they feel is theirs and they want to be heard.  It is hard to tell them no when a majority of living humans are embracing and celebrating ghouls and ghosts, it feeds them direct energy to be able to manifest more in our dimension, giving them the power to communicate and be seen easier. 


It is so much easier to work with the energy rather than going against it or letting it overwhelm you.  Embracing that inner witch and being completely in touch with our abilities.  I am a believer that we all have some form of intuition or abilities.  Many of us ignore it or doubt it.  But the month of October and beginning of November the energy affects us all.  We could all connect to the spirits around us if we just allowed ourselves to.  


As we continue to weave through the forest, which truly looks like we are walking in a painting.  A movement to my right catches my eye, just a few feet off the path into the trees, a man appears.  He is dressed in a black t-shirt and blue jeans.  He gives me a small wave and smile.  Smiling back at him, I ask him why he is wandering the woods.  He explains he is just following his family who was out for a hike, and he is just enjoying spending the day out with them.  Just as I’m about to ask him a few questions about who he is.  He disappears.  “Ok,” I guess he had to go.  Hurrying I catch up with my family.  


I love October, for me spirits are always around, always trying to guide and help us.  Or just dropping by to check in and say hello.  But with the focused energy in October spirits and ghosts have more ability to communicate and show themselves.  So, this October, and especially the closer we get to Halloween, pay attention.  Those strange unexplainable things that happen, the lights turning on or off, your tv turning on, a specific song coming on the radio or a bird visiting you every day is most likely a spirit of a loved one popping in to say hello!  


In my new book “Ghost Stories A Medium’s Interaction with The Afterlife.” I collected some of my most memorable interactions and put them in this book for everyone to read.  I wanted to give everyone a glimpse into what life is really like for someone who is lucky enough to have the gift of seeing and talking with the dead.  “Ghost Stories” is a great book for anytime of the year but it is a fun, scary and exciting read for Halloween!!  Now available in e-book or paperback on Amazon! 



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