Sunday, 16 May 2021

Energy for this coming week - Tarot Card - 5 of Cups!

 5 of cups  - The spilled milk card! 



Oh! That’s not good you might say when you see this image.  And yes, you do have a point, like many cards in the tarot deck, they show up to teach us, to give us direction and a huge pep talk. This card is no different.  The 5 of cups has many lessons in it, many lectures but many good things to show us.  It shows up many times when we need a good kick in the arse.  


We all have those moments in our life (and if you don’t bravo!), when something negative is happening.  That negativity pulls us down a path that is dark, and then it weaves its way into our mindset, whispering rude and unsettling thoughts into our ears.  You suck, you’re not worthy, nothing will ever work out for you, no one likes you.  The list of negative thoughts is endless and can be put into any situation, whether that’s career, romance, friendship, family, self-growth (diet/fitness), etc.  


Many of us know how important mindset is and that we shouldn’t allow negative thoughts or situations to stop or slow us down but they, like many lessons in life, have this sneaky way of twisting into our lives in the most creative way.  After all, we do have emotions, we are not robots, and we have our ups and downs.   There are going to be moments in our lives when we have certain expectations and desires, we do the work and yet things are just not working out the way “we” thought it should.  And those are the moments when we are vulnerable, and Mr. Doubt and his friends show up to whisper their poison into our ears. 


As annoying as it is, and even as I’m writing this, I’m rolling my eyes, BUT everything in life is a lesson.  Everything happens for a reason.  It sucks and we often look at others and say to ourselves, well they don’t seem to have as many lessons as I have.  Which may be very true, but does that change things? No!  This is your life, and it can be glorious.  And whatever is happening, or in this case not happening, there is a reason behind it.  The craziest thing is the reason it may not be happening is because there is something better waiting for you and the universe is closing that door, so you are forced to move forward towards that opened door!  


I think the hardest part when this card shows up, is the feeling of the unknown.  The card is telling us to shake it off, don’t get stuck in the negativity and to move forward, good things are waiting.  But move forward towards what?  And that is the lesson!  Trust the process, trust that as long as you are moving forward with what you can do in the now the universe will do its part and direct you towards that open door. 


Do something every day to improve your life and move you in the direction you wish to go in, baby steps are powerful steps!  One of the major factors in taking those baby steps is “not crying over the split milk”!


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