Monday, 27 September 2021

Hamster Wheel or Growth - You have a choice!

 The last few months I've had a couple of people come into my life that are very similar but incredibly different.  Both successful, both overworked, and both spins to keep themselves from stopping because if they do, they may not like what they find, and if I told them that they would 100% disagree with me. They get pulled into other people's dramas and they micromanage and love to tell people how to do things, either in work or in their personal life.  It's their way, because there is no other way, and they have done it that way forever they are stuck in a tunnel and can't see another way to function.  Both would not be open to me helping them adjust, although they both are curious about change, they are too afraid, and too chained to their denial and unhealthy way of functioning.  I do believe when the student is ready the teacher appears, but I also know because of free will, the student may just not be willing to take that step. The teacher is introduced to plant the idea and the connection to growth, balance and change, and when they are ready to step into the classroom they know where to find the teacher. 


I have come across many people like this in my life, some successful, some not, females and males, some are driven, others are procrastinators.  But all of them have one major thing in common, they can't stop, and they especially can't be alone with themselves and their thoughts!  And they all hold their personal mirror outward, pointing it at others and never looking within and reflecting.  It's much easier pointing to others, judging others and telling other people what to do.  It is terrifying for them to even consider remotely that they are not "all that and a bag of chips", even though inside they are filled with fear, doubt and insecurities.  


The universe is tricky, always up to something, and lessons are rarely a one-way street.  I know that the universe brings you the same people and situations to teach us lessons, we can recognize it, see the pattern, but it's trying to figure it out that possess the biggest and most difficult challenge.  What and why is this happening. Rarely is it just a lesson for us, it is also a lesson for the other person and as souls we each have our own journeys to walk in order to grow and evolve, to be the best version of ourselves.  


Often like with most lessons when the universe is teaching us and helping us grow, it can be painful and confusing and there is rarely just one lesson within the situation. You will have the obvious lessons that you can see front and centre but then there are the deeper, larger lessons and sometimes we will only figure it out by moving forward and adjusting how we deal with these types of people.  We can hold our own mirrors up to our faces and ask the hard questions of why and what are you learning in this situation.  And as I stated there will be the obvious lessons, how to be and how not to be, how do you let people treat you or not treat you, and one of the most obvious but hard to answer is what is it in you that attracts people like this to you. 


We need to focus on what WE can do to move forward.  Learn and adjust our lives from what we just experienced, grow and evolve and most importantly do not focus on what the other person is doing or not doing, that is their path and their karma to deal with.  If they choose to not learn and grow that is on them, you do you, they can continue to spin on that hamster wheel and hopefully one day they will choose to get off before the universe kicks them hard in the arse and forces them to change. 


For me these two lovely ladies have taught me so much in such a short period of time;  

  • * How not to be,  

  • * How if you work hard, you can achieve amazing things, 

  • * How teamwork and allowing people to support and help you is key (micromanaging doesn't work), there is a huge difference between micromanaging and overseeing,  

  • how I attract people who are empaths and out of balance, 

  • balance is incredibly important in our lives,   

  • * How success can be addicting and unhealthy,  

  • how important it is to love yourself and love spending time with yourself – because if you can't who else will.  

  • * How important it is to listen to our intuition and when an opportunity appears really listen and don't just leap because your head is telling you to out of fear or insecurity.  Not all opportunities need to be taken, it may be a test from the universe to see if you are choosing correctly.  So always look at opportunities with your mind, your heart and your gut/intuition. 

  • * How important it is to be open to change, growth and evolving.   

  • * How everything we go through in life reveals what it is we really want our lives to be, that our ambitions and dreams can change on the daily as we learn and grow our perspective of what we thought we wanted changes and grows as well 

  • * What does success mean to me – success is different for everyone, what does it look like and feel like.  

  • * I am capable of so much, but I can't help someone who gets in their own way and sabotages change before it has a chance 

  • * Part of success is balance, we can work so hard, achieve a lot, make a ton of money, but if you never truly stop and appreciate it or the small things in life, is that a successful life?  

  • * I'd rather be authentically myself, not bend to fit into someone else's world.  


It is so interesting as I type this list, I honestly think I could go on and on with the small obvious lessons I've learned over the last few months.  But I will not bore you with it all – or at least not right now!   


I am grateful for all the lessons. I'm blessed to come into people's lives for a reason even if that is brief and I am excited to see if my next opportunity will be the same recycle or if I've moved on and learned what I needed to.  Fingers crossed I have.  But the key to all of this is the moving forward.  


Take what I've learned, be open to learn what lessons are hidden right now as I move forward, and they reveal themselves and enjoy and be grateful for the process. 


What lessons are you recycling? Are you on the same hamster wheel or are you stepping off and moving forward?  We are all capable of growth and change, if you truly want your life to be different and to be a more balanced person, you can do it! I know you can!  Whether that’s career, love and relationships or health and fitness, we can have it all we just need to take those baby steps forward towards change. No leaps required, just a tiny step!   

Hamster Wheel or Growth - You have a choice!

  The last few months I've had a couple of people come into my life that are very similar but incredibly different.  Both successful, bo...